
multI-discipliNary, multi-Sectoral and multi-national trainIng network on Digital biomarkErs for supraventricular arrHythmia charactErizAtion and Risk assessment

April 7-10, 2025 - University Residence, Jaca (Spain)




Start date



48 months


Valentina Corino


Welcome reception & informal dinner. Meeting point: Jaca University residence lobby.

DC1: Integration of novel contact and non-contact digital biomarkers for SVAs screening.

POLIMI – Jacob Botvidsson

DC2: IoT-based system to detect and monitor the progress of infant’s SVAs.

UTU – Ajdar Ullah

DC3: AI biomarker identification to assess SVA evolution as comorbidity of respiration diseases through continuous monitoring with innovative sensors.

BRC – Lucia Vavassori

Coffee break

DC4: Digital biomarkers identification and AI-based analysis for early diagnosis of SVAs in the young and adult population.

CCM – Stefana Bogojevic


CC – Beatriz Cosculluela

DC6: AI-based predictors of SVA development in patients with comorbidities and suspected SVAs.

NU – Paul Kapust

DC7: Digital biomarkers and deep learning for cardiovascular risk prediction in patients with SVAs from continuous long term ECG recordings.

TECH – Lisa Attali


DC8: Characterization of thermal and non-thermal AF ablation effects on cardiac and neural structures.

UNIZAR – Andrea Rucco

DC9: AI-based outcome prediction of arrhythmia progression in elderly cardiac patients.

LU – Livia Colucci

DC10: Assessment of ventricular repolarization during AF and risk prediction from clinical and wearable ECG.

UMIL – Joachim Kröner

Coffee break

Invited talk – Scientific writing.

LU - Martin Stridh

Invited talk – Role of companies in clinical translation.

BRC - Raphael Schneider

Ice skating (Meeting point: residence lobby)

Dinner (Rest. La Cadiera)

Invited talk – Risk assessment of life-threatening events.

CCM – Marco Schiavone

evelopment and commercialization of medical software for electrocardiographic signal analysis.

CC – Martino Vaglio

Coffee break

Invited talk – Open Science & postdoctoral pathways.

UNIZAR – Cristina Gavín

Invited talk – Digital biomarkers for SVAs.

LU – Martin Stridh

Invited talk – Digital biomarkers in the market.

NU – Borja Gonzálvez

Lunch + Social event (Visit to San Juan de la Peña Monastery) + Gala Dinner (Rest. Las Ranas)

Invited talk – Sensor networks for SVA screening.

UTU – Tero Koivisto

Invited talk – Non-contact technologies for SVA monitoring.

POLIMI – Valentina Corino

Coffee break

Invited talk – Next steps after an MSCA DN: unlocking new opportunities.

UNIZAR – Alba del Río

Supervisory Board meeting.



Summer School venue location info and gallery

University Residence of Jaca

The summer school will take place at the university of Zaragoza residence at Jaca. The residence was opened in 1929 as part of the university's infrastructure for summer courses of Spanish language. During summer, it continues to host the university's summer courses and during winter it becomes a privileged place for practicing winter sports.

Jaca is a privileged site in Aragon due to its communications with both sides of the Pyrinees. During winter, one of its main attractions are the sky resorts of Candanchú, Astún, Panticosa and Formigal.



Registrations deadline: 27 March

350 €

  • Acommodation
  • Meals
  • Conference rooms

How to arrive


By car

Jaca can be reached from Huesca and Zaragoza by the national road N-330 (Motorway A-23 is still under construction). From Pamplona it can be reached by the N-240 (Motorway A-21 is still under construction). For information about the road conditions call TELERUTA: Telf 900 123 505, or check www.dgt.es . Further information: www.carreterasdearagon.es

By bus

There are several regular bus lines from Zaragoza, Huesca and Pamplona with daily and direct services. Check the following webpage for timetables and information: www.avanzabus.com In the surroundings of Jaca there are services for the Alto Valle del Aragón where a regular line joins the main populated areas from the Valley (Castiello, Villanúa, Canfranc and the ski stations of Candanchú and Astún).

By train

RENFE offers regional services that connect Jaca and the Aragon Valley with Huesca, Zaragoza y Madrid. Further information in:


Direct flights to Zaragoza

You can check all airlines that operate in Zaragoza Airpot in this web page: Airlines in Zaragoza Airport. This airport is located at 20 minutes from the city centre by taxi. There is also a bus connection every 30 minutes.

Flight to Madrid or Barcelona + High speed train AVE to Zaragoza

The fastest option to get to Zaragoza from Barcelona or Madrid is to take the high-speed train (AVE). Trains run hourly from 5:50 to 21:00 and arrive at Zaragoza in ~1h30min. Allow at least a 2h margin between flight arrival and AVE train departure.

We recommend that you buy and print your AVE tickets in advance here. If you are buying a return ticket, you can select fare type "IDA Y VUELTA" for both inbound and outbound trips, as it is usually the most economical option.

To take the AVE train, please follow these steps:

  • If you arrive to Barcelona-El Prat Airport:
    • Go to terminal T2 (there is a free bus connecting terminals), and follow the directions to take a commuter train ("cercanias")
    • Take the commuter train to Barcelona Sants. The commuter train takes around 20 min. You can buy the ticket at the vending machines. You can check the timetables of Barcelona commuter trains here.
    • In Barcelona Sants station, take the high speed AVE train to Zaragoza.

  • If you arrive to Madrid-Barajas Airport, you can get to Atocha train station either by bus or by commuter train
    • By bus:
      • Take the Línea Exprés (the express bus). You can find the timetables, stops and fares here
    • By train:
      • Go to terminal T4 (there is a free bus connecting terminals), and follow the directions to take a commuter train ("cercanias").
      • Take the commuter train C-1 to Atocha Train Station. The commuter train takes around 25 min. You can buy the ticket at the vending machines. You can check the timetables of Madrid commuter trains here.
      • In Atocha train station, take the high speed AVE train to Zaragoza.


BSICoS GROUP: Biomedical Signal Interpretation and Computational Simulation

Email Pablo

Pablo Laguna (Zaragoza):

laguna @ unizar.es

Email Juan Pablo

Juan Pablo Martínez (Zaragoza):

jpmart @ unizar.es

Email Alba

Alba Martín (Zaragoza):

amartiny @ unizar.es

Email Esther

Esther Pueyo (Zaragoza):

epueyo @ unizar.es

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under the Marie Skłodowska‐Curie grant agreement No 101119941.